In this modern
era technology becomes important. Technology can facilitate the work and
shorten the actual distance of thousands of miles, for example by using the
telephone. One important thing that supports the existence of technology is a
means, such as media or wave energy.
Many electronic
items that utilize the properties of waves, such as the nature of the wave can
propagate in a vacuum used by humans to make the light bulb in the Bolam where
space is a vacuum.
Many electronic
devices around us who utilize the technology wave, but most of us do not fully
know and understand. And we will discuss the use of sound waves and waves in
everyday life more specifically in next chapter.
1.2.Problem of Study
1. What
is the mean of wave?
2. What
else are the kind of wave?
3. How
the properties of waves?
4. How
the use of waves in everyday life?
To know the wave is.
2. To
find all kinds of waves.
3. To
know the properties of waves.
4. Capable
to examine the use of waves in everyday life.
2.1. Definition
The waves
are vibrations that propagate, either through or not through
the medium. There is a wave propagation requires
a medium, such as a wave through the umbilical cord and some that do
not require a medium,
which means that the waves can propagate through a
vacuum (no-air), such as electrical magnetic waves
can propagate in a vacuum. Wave propagation in the medium is not followed by the propagation medium,
but the medium particles will vibrate. Mathematical formulation of the wave
propagation can be derived by observation of a pulse.
Judging from the provisions of the repetition of shapes, waves divided into periodic and non-periodic waves.
Based on the
vibration source, without the intermediary
medium, the waves can be classified into two categories,
namely mechanical waves and electromagnetic waves. Wave mechanics
is something that can be formed and propagated in
an elastic material intermediate substance. As a specific example is
the sound wave in gases, in liquids and in
solids. Electromagnetic wave
is propagation in transversely between the
electric field and magnetic field in any direction.
is defined as the energy vibrations that propagate. In everyday life many people
think that the wave is propagating in
the resonance or particle,
it is slightly incorrect because the
wave is propagating
in the energy that belongs to
the vibrateion. In fact the flow of
water in a vast
ocean. According to the flow of sea water
was not caused by a wave but rather is
caused by temperature differences in ocean water. But it may also affect displacement
medium particles, when a wave through a medium gas substance
that bonds between the particles is very weak
then it is possible to move
the position of the air particles due to exposure to wave energy. It is said that the medium particles involved move although the
particle displacement is not as
2.2. The Sort of Wave
In general,
there are only two types of waves, namely, mechanical waves and electromagnetic waves. Type of wave based on the
wave propagation medium is:
a. Mechanical
wave is a wave propagation requires
a medium in which the energies for
the purpose of propagation of a
wave process. Sound
is an example of a mechanical wave that propagates through
air pressure changes in a (tight- air molecules).
waves, the waves can propagate
even though there is no medium. Energy electromagnetic
waves propagating in a few characters that
can be measured, namely wave length, frequency,
amplitude, and speed. Examples electromagnetic waves in everyday life
are as follows:
While based on the direction of
propagation and vibration, is divided into two, namely transverse and longitudinal
Transverse waves, the waves knock
the direction perpendicular to the direction of vibration. Examples of
transverse waves are waves of rope. When we move the rope up and down, it
appears that the rope moves up and down in a direction perpendicular to the
direction of wave motion. The
highest point is called the wave
peak, while the lowest point is called the valley. Amplitude
is the maximum height or maximum depth of the valley, measured from the
equilibrium position. The distance of two points in succession on the same wave is called wavelength (called lambda -
the Greek letter). Wavelengths can also be considered
as the distance from peak to peak or from
valley to valley distance.
Longitudinal waves, i.e. waves that
knock direction parallel to the direction of vibration (e.g. wave slinky).
Waves occur on a vibrated slinky, direction strech slinky form density and
strain. Distance of two densities adjacent to two adjacent strains is called a
Physical properties of waves include:
1. Wave
reflection, deflection direction of wave propagation is due to the different
medium strech limit. Reflected wave has the opposite direction to the wave
coming but mesh is on the same medium.
Wave refraction, is the deflection
direction of wave propagation from the deep into shallow areas. In the event of
refraction of the wave frequency is always fixed, but propagation wavelength
and fast changing.
Wave polarization, is the change in
direction of propagation of the wave after passing through the medium of
Polaroid. Polarization can only happen in transverse waves. No-polarization
light is a vibration of pure light in all directions. Light having linear
polarization when light passes through a Polaroid because the direction of
propagation is always the same.
Wave dispersion, is the change in
the wave form when waves propagate through a medium. Examples of the
disintegration of the white light wave are (polychromatic) into the colors of
the rainbow as through a glass prism. Waves that can retain its shape in non
dispersion medium is called wave no-disperse. Examples no-disperse medium is
Wave diffraction, is spread when the
direction of wave propagation through a narrow slit. When the waves into a
narrow slit, each point on the slit acts as a source of new wave with the
radial direction of propagation.
interference, is the influence
of waves generated by the superposition results. If
the two waves that combined
have the same phase, it will
produce a mutually reinforcing wave (constructive interference). If the combined wave
has the opposite phase, it will
produce a mutually debilitating wave (destructive interference).
Based on the propagation medium, the
wave propagation can be classified based on the dimensions and direction of
1. Wave 1 dimensions,
ie waves that propagate in one direction. (eg waves straps).
2-dimensional wave is a wave that
propagates in the form field. (eg water waves).
3-dimensional waves are waves that
propagate in space. Propagate in all directions. (Examples of radio waves,
micro, light).
Sound Waves
The sound is not always able to be heard by the human
ear. The sound of the bat sounds to communicate, for example, it was not able
captured by the human ear because the frequency is very large. The sound of a
plucked guitar string in Jakarta can not be captured by the people in Bandung,
because the distance is too far though the frequency corresponding to the
frequency of the human ear to hear. In addition, the sound of the human eye
blink nor can we hear because the energy is too small. Therefore, there are
several requirements that the sound can be heard by the human ear, that is:
1. It
has a natural frequency corresponding threshold of human hearing
2. Located
at a distance that can be heard.
3. Have
enough energy to get to the human eardrum.
Now, we will
limit our discussion only to the sound audible to the human ear. At the sound
wave is a longitudinal wave, the sound propagates in a direction parallel to
the vibration of the medium. Generally, symptoms sound waves more often we
observe in the medium of air, because it is more easily observed.
As we discussed
above concerning the nature / characteristics of a sound wave, it turns out the
sound is produced by vibrating objects disorders, especially musical
instruments, such as guitar, flute, etc.. And what about the human voice? Does
that include sound waves? Apparently, too, including the human voice sound
waves, which arise due to vibration in the human vocal cords, and propagates
through the medium of sound sehinggan air can be up to our ears.
Including longitudinal
sound waves because the area around the sound propagation is experiencing
density and renggangan. An example is the phenomenon of vibration in the tuning
fork. Tuning fork tooth movement in and out causing the surrounding air
pressure difference. Low pressure areas around the sound source that we are
familiar with renggangan, and high-pressure area is that we know the density.
We can recognize
the sound waves through the symptoms it creates, such as resonance, pelayangan,
and the Doppler effect.
All objects when it vibrates / vibrated
bound to cause sound, although sometimes the sound is not heard clearly on
objects that vibrate with small intensity. Therefore, every object has a
natural frequency of each, which is a set of frequencies that occur when an
object vibrates.
If there is an
object vibrating objects and connect with others who have the same natural
frequency, then it will force both participate vibrating objects. Like when we
vibrate a tuning fork, then another nearby tuning fork will also vibrate. This
is what we are familiar with resonance. Resonance events are common in some
parts of musical instruments, such as strings and organ pipes.
Pipe Organa (open and
Pipe organ is an instrument that uses
air as the source of the sound field. Several tools have such principles which
this organ pipe flute, saxophone, etc. There are two types of pipe organ, the
organ pipes open and closed organ pipes.
In an open organ pipe, the pipe organ
has always formed the abdomen. Image patterns of transverse waves in an open
organ pipe are:

The equation to determine the
frequency of a particular tone of an open organ pipe is:

In a closed organ pipe, closed end
of the pipe that always happens knot. Image patterns of transverse waves in the
pipe organ covered include:

Pattern comparison frequency in a
closed organ pipe is fo: f1: f2: ... is 1: 3: 5: ... The equation to determine
the frequency of a particular tone in the pipeline are:

Doppler Effect
As we stood on
the curb and watched the passing vehicles, we can hear the difference in sound
from the vehicle when approaching and moving away from us. When the vehicle
approached, we heard a noise louder than when the vehicle is being away / away
from us. This phenomenon is called the Doppler effect.
The Doppler
effect is a phenomenon difference frequency heard by an observer from a source
of sound due to the relative velocity between the observer to the source.
That's why we can hear a louder vehicle when the vehicle is moving toward us. The
magnitude of the audible frequency changes depending on the relative motion,
formulated as follows:

Positive or negative sign is
determined by the following conditions:
Vp positif apabila pengamat bergerak mendekati sumber, dan negatif apabila
pengamat bergerak menjauhi sumber.
Vs positif apabila sumber bergerak menjauhi pengamat, dan negatif apabila
sumber bergerak mendekati pengamat.
Wave of Light
Wave Nature of Light
Light is a
transverse wave that includes electromagnetic waves. Light can propagate in a
vacuum at a speed of 3 x 108 m / s.
The properties of light:
May experience reflection (reflection)
Can undergo refraction (refraction)
May experience stretching (diffraction)
Can be added (interference)
Can be described (dispersion)
Can be absorbed vibration direction (polarization)
As wave and particle nature
Light intensity
The amount of
radiant energy emitted as light in a particular direction is called the light
intensity and is expressed with units of candela (cd) with the symbol I.
Application examples Waves and Sound Waves in Everyday Life:
1. Radio
Radio energy is a form of electromagnetic energy level
of the lowest, with a range of wavelengths from thousands of kilometers to less
than one meter. Using the most is communication, to examine space and radar
systems. Radar is useful for studying weather patterns, storms, create a 3D map
of the earth surface, measure rainfall, the movement of ice in the Polar
Regions and monitor the environment. A wavelength is ranging from 0.8 - 100 cm.
2. Microwave
The wavelength of microwave radiation ranges from 0.3
- 300 cm. Its use is mainly in the field of communication and information
delivery through open spaces, cooking, and PJ active systems. In the PJ system
active microwave pulse is fired through a target and its reflection was
measured to study the characteristics of the target. As an application example
is Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission's (TRMM) Microwave Imager (TMI), which
measures the microwave radiation emitted from the electromagnetic spectrum
electromagnetic energy of Earth's atmosphere to measure evaporation, water
content in the cloud and rain intensity.
3. Infrared
Health conditions
can be diagnosed by examining the
infrared emissions from the body.
Photo special called
infrared thermo gram is used to detect blood
circulation problems, arthritis and cancer. Infrared radiation can also
be used in burglar alarms. A
thief without his knowledge would
block light and hide alarm. The remote control communicates with the TV
via infrared radiation
generated by the LED
(Light Emitting Diode)
contained in the unit, so that we can remotely turn on the TV
using the remote control.
4. Ultraviolet
UV light is needed in the assimilation of plants and
can kill germs in the skin.
5. X-ray
X-rays are commonly used in the medical field position
to photograph the bones in the body especially for determining the fracture.
However, the uses of X-rays have to be careful because the network of human
cells can be damaged by the use of X-rays that are too long.
6. Musical instrument
In musical instruments like guitar sound sources
produced by vibrating objects, namely strings. If the strings are plucked by
amplitude (deviation) is large then the sound will be louder generated. And if
tension strings stretched curve the sound will be higher similarly drums and
other musical instruments. The sound arises because the source of the sound
7. Blind glasses, equipped with ultrasonic transmitter and receiver utilizing ultrasonic transmission and reception. Notice the blind glass in the picture below.
8. Measure the depth of the sea, to determine the depths of the sea (d) if known propagation speed of sound (v) and time interval (t), sending and receiving pulses are:
Medical devices, such as the USG (Ultra
Sound Graph). For example, ultrasonic
scanning is done by dragging the movement of the probe around the
abdominal skin of pregnant mothers
would show a
picture of a fetus on the screen.
By observing the fetal images, doctors can monitor the growth, development and health of the fetus. Unlike X-ray examination,
ultrasound is safe
(no risk), both
the mother and fetus for examination or testing with ultrasonic does not damage the material that is passed, then it is called ultrasonic
testing is non-destructive
testing (non-destructive
testing, NDT abbreviated). Ultrasonic scanning technique
is also used to check the liver (liver cancer
indication is there or not) and the brain. Making
the ultrasound is to remove damaged brain tissue without having to perform brain surgery.
In this way, the patient does not need
to undergo a risky brain surgery. Removal
of damaged brain tissue can be
done without having to cut
and sew up
hole in the scalp or skull.
3.1. Conclusion
Wave is defined as
the energy vibrations that propagate. In everyday life many
people think that the wave is propagating in the resonance or particle, it is slightly incorrect because the wave
is propagating in the energy that belongs to the vibration.
Types of Waves
Wave by the
medium can be divided into two
kinds, as follows:
Mechanical waves in the wave propagation
require a medium. Examples of mechanical waves are sound
Electromagnetic waves are waves that do not require
the propagation medium.
Examples electromagnetic waves are light waves.
Wave in the direction propagation divided into
2 types, namely:
Longitudinal waves are waves that propagation direction parallel to the direction of vibration. An example is a sound
Transverse wave is
a wave whose direction perpendicular propagation with the direction vibration.
For example, light waves.
Physical properties of waves
1. Wave reflection,
2. Wave refraction,
3. Polarization waves,
4. Wave dispersion,
5. Wave diffraction,
6. wave interference
1. Wave reflection,
2. Wave refraction,
3. Polarization waves,
4. Wave dispersion,
5. Wave diffraction,
6. wave interference
Application examples Waves and Sound Waves in Everyday Life:
1. Radios
2. Microwave
3. Infrared
5. X-ray
6. Musical instrument
6. Musical instrument
7. Glasses
8. Measure the depth of the sea
9. Medical devices,
8. Measure the depth of the sea
9. Medical devices,
3.2. Suggestion
1. For the reader is expected to add insight, criticism and suggestions.
2. Readers should be able to apply for the use of waves in daily life - days.
3. For the education institution is expected to provide a lesson about the wave of the learners.
1. For the reader is expected to add insight, criticism and suggestions.
2. Readers should be able to apply for the use of waves in daily life - days.
3. For the education institution is expected to provide a lesson about the wave of the learners.
In this modern
era technology becomes important. Technology can facilitate the work and
shorten the actual distance of thousands of miles, for example by using the
telephone. One important thing that supports the existence of technology is a
means, such as media or wave energy.
Many electronic
items that utilize the properties of waves, such as the nature of the wave can
propagate in a vacuum used by humans to make the light bulb in the Bolam where
space is a vacuum.
Many electronic
devices around us who utilize the technology wave, but most of us do not fully
know and understand. And we will discuss the use of sound waves and waves in
everyday life more specifically in next chapter.
1.2.Problem of Study
1. What
is the mean of wave?
2. What
else are the kind of wave?
3. How
the properties of waves?
4. How
the use of waves in everyday life?
To know the wave is.
2. To
find all kinds of waves.
3. To
know the properties of waves.
4. Capable
to examine the use of waves in everyday life.
2.1. Definition
The waves
are vibrations that propagate, either through or not through
the medium. There is a wave propagation requires
a medium, such as a wave through the umbilical cord and some that do
not require a medium,
which means that the waves can propagate through a
vacuum (no-air), such as electrical magnetic waves
can propagate in a vacuum. Wave propagation in the medium is not followed by the propagation medium,
but the medium particles will vibrate. Mathematical formulation of the wave
propagation can be derived by observation of a pulse.
Judging from the provisions of the repetition of shapes, waves divided into periodic and non-periodic waves.
Based on the
vibration source, without the intermediary
medium, the waves can be classified into two categories,
namely mechanical waves and electromagnetic waves. Wave mechanics
is something that can be formed and propagated in
an elastic material intermediate substance. As a specific example is
the sound wave in gases, in liquids and in
solids. Electromagnetic wave
is propagation in transversely between the
electric field and magnetic field in any direction.
is defined as the energy vibrations that propagate. In everyday life many people
think that the wave is propagating in
the resonance or particle,
it is slightly incorrect because the
wave is propagating
in the energy that belongs to
the vibrateion. In fact the flow of
water in a vast
ocean. According to the flow of sea water
was not caused by a wave but rather is
caused by temperature differences in ocean water. But it may also affect displacement
medium particles, when a wave through a medium gas substance
that bonds between the particles is very weak
then it is possible to move
the position of the air particles due to exposure to wave energy. It is said that the medium particles involved move although the
particle displacement is not as
2.2. The Sort of Wave
In general,
there are only two types of waves, namely, mechanical waves and electromagnetic waves. Type of wave based on the
wave propagation medium is:
a. Mechanical
wave is a wave propagation requires
a medium in which the energies for
the purpose of propagation of a
wave process. Sound
is an example of a mechanical wave that propagates through
air pressure changes in a (tight- air molecules).
waves, the waves can propagate
even though there is no medium. Energy electromagnetic
waves propagating in a few characters that
can be measured, namely wave length, frequency,
amplitude, and speed. Examples electromagnetic waves in everyday life
are as follows:
While based on the direction of
propagation and vibration, is divided into two, namely transverse and longitudinal
Transverse waves, the waves knock
the direction perpendicular to the direction of vibration. Examples of
transverse waves are waves of rope. When we move the rope up and down, it
appears that the rope moves up and down in a direction perpendicular to the
direction of wave motion. The
highest point is called the wave
peak, while the lowest point is called the valley. Amplitude
is the maximum height or maximum depth of the valley, measured from the
equilibrium position. The distance of two points in succession on the same wave is called wavelength (called lambda -
the Greek letter). Wavelengths can also be considered
as the distance from peak to peak or from
valley to valley distance.
Longitudinal waves, i.e. waves that
knock direction parallel to the direction of vibration (e.g. wave slinky).
Waves occur on a vibrated slinky, direction strech slinky form density and
strain. Distance of two densities adjacent to two adjacent strains is called a
Physical properties of waves include:
1. Wave
reflection, deflection direction of wave propagation is due to the different
medium strech limit. Reflected wave has the opposite direction to the wave
coming but mesh is on the same medium.
Wave refraction, is the deflection
direction of wave propagation from the deep into shallow areas. In the event of
refraction of the wave frequency is always fixed, but propagation wavelength
and fast changing.
Wave polarization, is the change in
direction of propagation of the wave after passing through the medium of
Polaroid. Polarization can only happen in transverse waves. No-polarization
light is a vibration of pure light in all directions. Light having linear
polarization when light passes through a Polaroid because the direction of
propagation is always the same.
Wave dispersion, is the change in
the wave form when waves propagate through a medium. Examples of the
disintegration of the white light wave are (polychromatic) into the colors of
the rainbow as through a glass prism. Waves that can retain its shape in non
dispersion medium is called wave no-disperse. Examples no-disperse medium is
Wave diffraction, is spread when the
direction of wave propagation through a narrow slit. When the waves into a
narrow slit, each point on the slit acts as a source of new wave with the
radial direction of propagation.
interference, is the influence
of waves generated by the superposition results. If
the two waves that combined
have the same phase, it will
produce a mutually reinforcing wave (constructive interference). If the combined wave
has the opposite phase, it will
produce a mutually debilitating wave (destructive interference).
Based on the propagation medium, the
wave propagation can be classified based on the dimensions and direction of
1. Wave 1 dimensions,
ie waves that propagate in one direction. (eg waves straps).
2-dimensional wave is a wave that
propagates in the form field. (eg water waves).
3-dimensional waves are waves that
propagate in space. Propagate in all directions. (Examples of radio waves,
micro, light).
Sound Waves
The sound is not always able to be heard by the human
ear. The sound of the bat sounds to communicate, for example, it was not able
captured by the human ear because the frequency is very large. The sound of a
plucked guitar string in Jakarta can not be captured by the people in Bandung,
because the distance is too far though the frequency corresponding to the
frequency of the human ear to hear. In addition, the sound of the human eye
blink nor can we hear because the energy is too small. Therefore, there are
several requirements that the sound can be heard by the human ear, that is:
1. It
has a natural frequency corresponding threshold of human hearing
2. Located
at a distance that can be heard.
3. Have
enough energy to get to the human eardrum.
Now, we will
limit our discussion only to the sound audible to the human ear. At the sound
wave is a longitudinal wave, the sound propagates in a direction parallel to
the vibration of the medium. Generally, symptoms sound waves more often we
observe in the medium of air, because it is more easily observed.
As we discussed
above concerning the nature / characteristics of a sound wave, it turns out the
sound is produced by vibrating objects disorders, especially musical
instruments, such as guitar, flute, etc.. And what about the human voice? Does
that include sound waves? Apparently, too, including the human voice sound
waves, which arise due to vibration in the human vocal cords, and propagates
through the medium of sound sehinggan air can be up to our ears.
Including longitudinal
sound waves because the area around the sound propagation is experiencing
density and renggangan. An example is the phenomenon of vibration in the tuning
fork. Tuning fork tooth movement in and out causing the surrounding air
pressure difference. Low pressure areas around the sound source that we are
familiar with renggangan, and high-pressure area is that we know the density.
We can recognize
the sound waves through the symptoms it creates, such as resonance, pelayangan,
and the Doppler effect.
All objects when it vibrates / vibrated
bound to cause sound, although sometimes the sound is not heard clearly on
objects that vibrate with small intensity. Therefore, every object has a
natural frequency of each, which is a set of frequencies that occur when an
object vibrates.
If there is an
object vibrating objects and connect with others who have the same natural
frequency, then it will force both participate vibrating objects. Like when we
vibrate a tuning fork, then another nearby tuning fork will also vibrate. This
is what we are familiar with resonance. Resonance events are common in some
parts of musical instruments, such as strings and organ pipes.
Pipe Organa (open and
Pipe organ is an instrument that uses
air as the source of the sound field. Several tools have such principles which
this organ pipe flute, saxophone, etc. There are two types of pipe organ, the
organ pipes open and closed organ pipes.
In an open organ pipe, the pipe organ
has always formed the abdomen. Image patterns of transverse waves in an open
organ pipe are:

The equation to determine the
frequency of a particular tone of an open organ pipe is:

In a closed organ pipe, closed end
of the pipe that always happens knot. Image patterns of transverse waves in the
pipe organ covered include:

Pattern comparison frequency in a
closed organ pipe is fo: f1: f2: ... is 1: 3: 5: ... The equation to determine
the frequency of a particular tone in the pipeline are:

Doppler Effect
As we stood on
the curb and watched the passing vehicles, we can hear the difference in sound
from the vehicle when approaching and moving away from us. When the vehicle
approached, we heard a noise louder than when the vehicle is being away / away
from us. This phenomenon is called the Doppler effect.
The Doppler
effect is a phenomenon difference frequency heard by an observer from a source
of sound due to the relative velocity between the observer to the source.
That's why we can hear a louder vehicle when the vehicle is moving toward us. The
magnitude of the audible frequency changes depending on the relative motion,
formulated as follows:

Positive or negative sign is
determined by the following conditions:
Vp positif apabila pengamat bergerak mendekati sumber, dan negatif apabila
pengamat bergerak menjauhi sumber.
Vs positif apabila sumber bergerak menjauhi pengamat, dan negatif apabila
sumber bergerak mendekati pengamat.
Wave of Light
Wave Nature of Light
Light is a
transverse wave that includes electromagnetic waves. Light can propagate in a
vacuum at a speed of 3 x 108 m / s.
The properties of light:
May experience reflection (reflection)
Can undergo refraction (refraction)
May experience stretching (diffraction)
Can be added (interference)
Can be described (dispersion)
Can be absorbed vibration direction (polarization)
As wave and particle nature
Light intensity
The amount of
radiant energy emitted as light in a particular direction is called the light
intensity and is expressed with units of candela (cd) with the symbol I.
Application examples Waves and Sound Waves in Everyday Life:
1. Radio
Radio energy is a form of electromagnetic energy level
of the lowest, with a range of wavelengths from thousands of kilometers to less
than one meter. Using the most is communication, to examine space and radar
systems. Radar is useful for studying weather patterns, storms, create a 3D map
of the earth surface, measure rainfall, the movement of ice in the Polar
Regions and monitor the environment. A wavelength is ranging from 0.8 - 100 cm.
2. Microwave
The wavelength of microwave radiation ranges from 0.3
- 300 cm. Its use is mainly in the field of communication and information
delivery through open spaces, cooking, and PJ active systems. In the PJ system
active microwave pulse is fired through a target and its reflection was
measured to study the characteristics of the target. As an application example
is Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission's (TRMM) Microwave Imager (TMI), which
measures the microwave radiation emitted from the electromagnetic spectrum
electromagnetic energy of Earth's atmosphere to measure evaporation, water
content in the cloud and rain intensity.
3. Infrared
Health conditions
can be diagnosed by examining the
infrared emissions from the body.
Photo special called
infrared thermo gram is used to detect blood
circulation problems, arthritis and cancer. Infrared radiation can also
be used in burglar alarms. A
thief without his knowledge would
block light and hide alarm. The remote control communicates with the TV
via infrared radiation
generated by the LED
(Light Emitting Diode)
contained in the unit, so that we can remotely turn on the TV
using the remote control.
4. Ultraviolet
UV light is needed in the assimilation of plants and
can kill germs in the skin.
5. X-ray
X-rays are commonly used in the medical field position
to photograph the bones in the body especially for determining the fracture.
However, the uses of X-rays have to be careful because the network of human
cells can be damaged by the use of X-rays that are too long.
6. Musical instrument
In musical instruments like guitar sound sources
produced by vibrating objects, namely strings. If the strings are plucked by
amplitude (deviation) is large then the sound will be louder generated. And if
tension strings stretched curve the sound will be higher similarly drums and
other musical instruments. The sound arises because the source of the sound
7. Blind glasses, equipped with ultrasonic transmitter and receiver utilizing ultrasonic transmission and reception. Notice the blind glass in the picture below.
8. Measure the depth of the sea, to determine the depths of the sea (d) if known propagation speed of sound (v) and time interval (t), sending and receiving pulses are:
Medical devices, such as the USG (Ultra
Sound Graph). For example, ultrasonic
scanning is done by dragging the movement of the probe around the
abdominal skin of pregnant mothers
would show a
picture of a fetus on the screen.
By observing the fetal images, doctors can monitor the growth, development and health of the fetus. Unlike X-ray examination,
ultrasound is safe
(no risk), both
the mother and fetus for examination or testing with ultrasonic does not damage the material that is passed, then it is called ultrasonic
testing is non-destructive
testing (non-destructive
testing, NDT abbreviated). Ultrasonic scanning technique
is also used to check the liver (liver cancer
indication is there or not) and the brain. Making
the ultrasound is to remove damaged brain tissue without having to perform brain surgery.
In this way, the patient does not need
to undergo a risky brain surgery. Removal
of damaged brain tissue can be
done without having to cut
and sew up
hole in the scalp or skull.
3.1. Conclusion
Wave is defined as
the energy vibrations that propagate. In everyday life many
people think that the wave is propagating in the resonance or particle, it is slightly incorrect because the wave
is propagating in the energy that belongs to the vibration.
Types of Waves
Wave by the
medium can be divided into two
kinds, as follows:
Mechanical waves in the wave propagation
require a medium. Examples of mechanical waves are sound
Electromagnetic waves are waves that do not require
the propagation medium.
Examples electromagnetic waves are light waves.
Wave in the direction propagation divided into
2 types, namely:
Longitudinal waves are waves that propagation direction parallel to the direction of vibration. An example is a sound
Transverse wave is
a wave whose direction perpendicular propagation with the direction vibration.
For example, light waves.
Physical properties of waves
1. Wave reflection,
2. Wave refraction,
3. Polarization waves,
4. Wave dispersion,
5. Wave diffraction,
6. wave interference
1. Wave reflection,
2. Wave refraction,
3. Polarization waves,
4. Wave dispersion,
5. Wave diffraction,
6. wave interference
Application examples Waves and Sound Waves in Everyday Life:
1. Radios
2. Microwave
3. Infrared
5. X-ray
6. Musical instrument
6. Musical instrument
7. Glasses
8. Measure the depth of the sea
9. Medical devices,
8. Measure the depth of the sea
9. Medical devices,
3.2. Suggestion
1. For the reader is expected to add insight, criticism and suggestions.
2. Readers should be able to apply for the use of waves in daily life - days.
3. For the education institution is expected to provide a lesson about the wave of the learners.
1. For the reader is expected to add insight, criticism and suggestions.
2. Readers should be able to apply for the use of waves in daily life - days.
3. For the education institution is expected to provide a lesson about the wave of the learners.
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