Minggu, 19 Oktober 2014

Tugas Belajar dan Pembelajaran

Belajar dan Pembelajaran
“International Article of Piaget’s Theory”


Oleh :
Nama   : Bella Rhea Lavifa Sanjaya
NIM     : 120210103038

Piaget’s Theory

Piaget’s theory is founded, namely a Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget (1896-1980). At first he was more concerned about the branch of philosophy that studies the nature of knowledge that is epistimologi. Until the end of piaget’s research on how to think of a child, as Piaget believes that by examining the way a child thinks he can answer some questions about epistimologi. For example, “how can we acquire knowledge?”, “how can we know what we knewn?”.
This theory is much talk about intellectual growth and rate-level. This theory does not use animals as research as previous theories, but these theories directly to the people and more to the way of thingking of child from birth to adulthood. And Piaget’s theory is ini familliar with the theory of cognitive development.
Jean  Piaget’s intellectual development is divided into three sections, namely :
1.      Structure: This structure can be called also by the organization of mental sche,ata that a higher level of operation. So the structure is obtained after a change in the intellectual development of children. Intellectual is formed when individuals are interacting with their environment.
2.      Content: child behavior patterns that can be seen from the child respond to issues and situations.
3.      Function: It is the way it used to grow the intellectual progress. According to Psychology swiss intellectual development that is based on two systems of organization and adaptaion.
Piaget found individual humans have evolved through four stages. And each stage is linked to age with a different of thingking. Following four stages are as follows :
1.      Sensomotori or sensory-motor stage (age 0-2 years). At this stage there is a major advance in the ability of the baby the baby has been able to use the sensing eg hearing and seeing. If there is an object that is hidden and can not find the baby. So from day to day experience of the baby will be increased so that over time rhe baby will know that hidden objects were still there and the baby is going to look.
2.      Preoperational stage or preoperational stage, (ages 2-7 years). In this stage, children begin to recognize the environment by using what he saw and he heard then he will do it. So, if both the child’s environment will be good and vice versa. In this stage the child is able to give reasons in telling an idea, and children begin to be able to analyze the causal realtionship.
3.      Operational operation or stage of concreteoperational stage (ages 7-11 years). In this stage through the experiences children have been able to understand the reality and the experience was was concrete and objective.
4.      Formal operational level (11 adult)
During this period, the child can use concrete to from more complex operations. For example : Ani whiter than Siti. And darker than Lili. The question : who is the blackest of them?
Well, to answer question on the child’s need for treatment are not objects or event just simply think it concretely.
The nature of formal operational thinking.
1.    Thinking adolensi is hypothetical-deductive
2.    Thinking propersional
3.    Thingking combinatorial
4.     Reflexive thinking.

Analisis artikel
Kelebihan :
·         Pada teori ini penelitiannya bukan melalui hewan melainkan langsung pada manusia itu sendiri. Sehingga kita dapat memahami pengaplikasian teori ini dengan mengamati adaptasi lingkungan seorang anak and more to the way of thingking of child from birth to adulthood. 
·         Kesuksesan dari teori ini yaitu seorang anak mampu berfikir logis dan kreatif. Tentunya apabila teori ini mampu diterapkan, maka anak tersebut akan tumbuh dengan baik.
Kekurangan :
o   Di sini kehidupan seorang anak bergantung pada lingkungan. Jadi apabila lingkungannya baik, maka anak tersebut akan tumbuh dengan baik. Namun, jika lingkungannya kurang baik, maka anak tersebut akan mengalami kesulitan untuk tumbuh dengan karakter yang baik.
o   Seorang pendidik harus mampu memfasilitasi seorang anak agar seorang anak dapat mengembangkan berfikir logis. Jadi apabila pendidik tidak dapat memfasilitasi seorang anak, maka anak tersebut akan mengalami kesultan atau terhambat untuk kreatif dan berfikir logis.
Pengalaman berharga :
ü  Seorang anak akan lebih mandiri jika sudah terbiasa menerapkan teori ini. Hal ini dikarenakan anak tersebut sudah terbiasa mendapatkan pengetahuan dari apa yang ia ketahui dan ia rasakan pada lingkungan sekitar.
ü  Peranan teori ini dalam proses pembelajaran seorang peserta didik adalah peserta didik lebih di tuntut kreatif sehingga di perlukan instruktur / guru/dosen/guru yang memfasilitasi agar peserta didik dapat mengembangkan berpikir logis.

Thohir, Muhammad. 2012. Piaget’s Theory. http://thohir.sunan-ampel.ac.id/2012/06/ 01/theory-piaget/feed/. (Access on 24 March 2013).

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