Selasa, 05 November 2013

Task of Strategy of Teaching and Learning

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Lecture Lesson Strategy of Teaching and Learning

Create by:
Bella Rhea Lavifa Sanjaya                  120210153038
Rasmiyana                                           120210153056


1. Signification of Integrated Learning
Some understanding of integrated learning proposed by some experts such as integrated learning:
1)  According to the Cohen and Manion (1992 ) and Brand (1991 ), there are three possible variations of integrated learning with respect to education conducted in an atmosphere of progressive education that integrated curriculum (integrated curriculum ), the integrated (integrated day), and integrated learning ( integrated learning ). Integrated curriculum is a set of activities integrating various subject matter through a cross-cutting theme to form a meaningful whole so the boundary between different fields of studies a not tight or virtually non-existent. Integrated day activities such as design students from the class on a particular day something to learn or do various activities according to their interests. Meanwhile, integrated learning refers to learning activities that are organized in a more structured as opposed to a particular theme or a particular subject as its center point (center core / center of interest).
2) According to Prabowo (2000:2), integrated learning is a process of learning by engaging / connecting the various fields of study. And there are two terms that need to be put forward to eliminate the ambiguity of the notion of integrated learning above, the concept of integrated learning and integrated science.
3) According to Prabowo (2000:2), integrated learning is a teaching and learning approach that involves several fields of study. Teaching and learning approaches like this will hopefully be able to provide a meaningful experience for our students. Meaning meaningful here because the children are expected integrated learning will gain an understanding of the concepts they learned through direct experience and relating it to other concepts they already understand.
Integrated learning is a teaching and learning approach that takes into account and adjusting to the developmental level of the students (developmentally appropriate practical). Approach departs from the theory that refuses drill - learning system as the basis for the formation of knowledge and intellectual structures.
The initial step in implementing integrated learning is the selection / development of the topic or theme. In the first step the teacher invites the students to jointly select and develop a topic or theme. Thus the students are actively involved in the learning process and decision -making.
Learning by using this integrated approach is expected to improve the quality of basic education, especially for preventing symptoms of cramping of the curriculum in the learning process in schools. The negative impact of compaction curriculum will be bad for children's development. This is evident with the prosecution of the child to do various tasks that exceed their capacities and needs. They lack the opportunity to learn, to read, and so on. Besides, they will lose the natural learning experience direct, sensory experience of the world they are going to form the basis of abstract learning ability ( Prabowo , 2000:3 ).
Integrated derived from the English " integrated " means members of, or be one. Thus the integrated learning process is an effort to change the behavior that occurs as a result of merger or union between two or more subject matter. Beane ( 1995:615 ) defines integrated learning as learning that combines several sub subject or inter- subject study areas. The strategy is known as cross- curriculum learning or learning across studies, or also known as cross- disciplinary learning program.
There are various types of integrated learning that can be used, which gradually integrated learning, sharing, networking and fluted.
    Gradually integrated learning ( sequenced integrated teaching -learning ) is a distance learning how to teach the two subjects which are material ( teaching materials ) have the same material and the relationship between them. This integrated pursued in an effort to bring together materials that are characterized by similar and related to be more thorough and complete. Thus learners easily menrima, understand, store and reproduce and live the meaning contained in the two subjects. The application of this approach is methodologically delivered in two subjects, quite delivered - combining into a single course. Therefore, the incorporation of the delivery of content can be done in a way to set such a time , the material gradually. A teacher in this course are required to dig or understand thoroughly and completely on the same material contained in two different subjects. In other words, teachers are required to identify and understand the similarities matter, concerning the purpose, content or message method and the targeted learning outcomes both these subjects .
Integrative learning sharing (shared integrated teaching -learning ) is a learning approach or procedures done by sharing subject (matter ) of the subjects overlap ( where the subject matter contained in some subjects ). Integrated learning is adopted based on the fact that many of the capabilities found that the achievement must be realized through two or more subjects. Therefore, in order to save and right, both material and preparation procedures, need to be joined through sharing approach. With this approach, overlapping and repetition of material between subjects can be avoided. Another example is the competence to choose foods and beverages can be realized through subjects science ( substances contained in plants ), health education, related to the characteristics of healthy foods and beverages and can be done through Islamic religious education ( moral : the role eating and drinking ).
    Integrated learning networks ( webbed - integrated teaching -learning ) is a learning model that is used to teach a particular theme that tendency can be delivered through several other areas of study. Thus this model is a model that uses a thematic approach across fields of study. To be able to implement a teacher seriously and prosecuted depth to understand and choose the basic themes ( essential ) which has a material relationship is methodologically can be combined. Teachers are required to select and sort the jelly which is then subject the main theme or subject of the main theme which is then distributed to the various subjects.
    Integrated learning fluted ( threaded integrated teaching -learning ) is a learning approach taken by developing a central idea that is a common thread ( lines ) derived from the concepts contained in the various disciplines. For example, the concept or definition of " healthy food " contained in various disciplines, such as in the disciplines of nutrition, biology, chemistry and the science of religion itself ( food " halalan thoyyiban " ). Another example is the competence " maintain road safety " can be realized through subjects ips ( patterns of human interaction ), Islamic religious education ( in a certain way ), PKN ( mutual respect ), and health education ( keep personal safety on the highway ) and Indonesian ( the story of an accident on the highway ).
2. The Principle and the Characteristics of Integrated Learning
The following is also stated in the principles of integrated learning which include:
  1) The principle of extracting theme
A. theme should not be too broad, but can be used easily integrate many fields of study,
B. must be meaningful theme means that the theme chosen for review should provide supplies for students to learn next,
C. theme should be appropriate to the psychological development of children,
D. The theme is developed should be able to accommodate most of the children's interests,
E. The theme chosen should consider incident - authentic events that occurred within the period studied,
 F. The theme chosen should take into consideration the prevailing curriculum, as well as the expectations of the community,
 G. The theme chosen should also consider the availability of learning resources.
  2) The implementation of the principle of integrated learning
 A. Teachers should not be a " single actor " who dominates the conversation in the teaching and learning process,
 B. Provision of individual and group responsibilities must be clear in every task that requires kerjasarna group,
 C. Teachers need to accommodate the ideas are sometimes not at all unthinkable in planning poses.
  3) The principle of evaluation
A. Provide opportunities for students to conduct self-evaluation in addition to other forms of evaluation,
B. Teachers need to encourage students to evaluate the learning gains that have been achieved based on the criteria of success in achieving objectives agreed upon in the contract.
  4) The principle of the reaction.
 Reaction principle, the impact of accompaniment ( nuturan effect ) are essential for conscious behavior has not been touched by the teacher in teaching and learning activities. Therefore, teachers are required to be able to plan and implement learning so thoroughly achieved the learning objectives. Teachers should react to the reactions of students in all the " events " are not directed to a narrow aspect but into a unified whole and meaningful.
Integrated learning time can vary as follows:
 A. Integrated Learning held at any given time , ie when the material is run once taught in an integrated match,
 B. Integrated Learning is temporary, with no certainty of time and is situational, where the proceedings do not follow a regular schedule, the implementation of an integrated learning spontaneously characterized by learning activities appropriate curriculum content is still fragmented by the subjects . Nevertheless, teachers still have to plan or conceptual linkages between lessons and models allowing cobwebs executed spontaneously integrated learning ( PGSD development team , 1996),
C. There is also implementing an integrated learning periodically, for example every weekend or late quarterly . His time has been designed for certain,
 D. There is also a full day implement integrated learning. During the day there is no other learning, that there are students who want to learn with. Students are busy with their own affairs. Learning is known as " integrated day" or integrated day. Beginning with classroom management activities which include preparation aspects of learning activities, tools, media and other tools that can support the implementation of integrated learning. In the planning phase the teacher provides guidance to students on activities to be carried out , how the implementation of activities and how teachers help students gain.
Implications of integrated learning, form an integrated day, teacher should determine the time and number of days for the implementation of these activities and can be filled with activities integrated learning model of cobwebs .
Demanded implementation of activities that have been structured organization. Organizing at the initial stage includes determining the theme of taking into account the tools, materials and resources available, type of activity and how teachers help students. For the implementation class teachers working with other teachers in designing learning activities by choosing a central theme in the life of transportation.
3. The characteristics of Integrated Learning
Hilda Karli and Margaretha (2002:15) points out some of the characteristics of integrated learning, as follows:
  Holistic, an event that became the center of attention in integrated learning studied from several fields of study and to understand the phenomenon from all sides.
Meaningful linkages between other concepts will add to the meaningfulness of the concept being studied and the acquisition is expected that children are able to apply their learning to solve real problems in their lives.
Active, integrated learning approach developed through discovery - inquiry. Learners are actively involved in the learning process which can indirectly motivate children to learn.
In line with that, the development team PGSD (1977:7) argues that integrated learning has the following characteristics.
1. Child-centered.
2. Provide direct experience in children.
3. Separation between the field of study is not so clear.
4. Presenting the concept of various fields of study in a learning process.
5. Be flexible.
6. Learning outcomes can be developed in accordance with the interests and needs of children.
Steps to Prepare the Integrated School:
1.  Analyzing the Content Standards. In the framework of the implementation of Competence and Basic Competence Standards and to meet the learning objectives have been achieved, it first has to analyze the content standards for each subject, and then selected the material on other subjects on the national curriculum that can integrate with these subjects. In analyzing the content of the mapping competency standard that could be combine from each of the basic competencies of the subjects in the KMP.
Example: A Package science teaching sixth grade. Competency Standards: Understanding the relationship between natural resources with the environment, technology, and society. While the Basic Competency: Explain the relationship between natural resources with the environment. This material can be combined with a sixth grade mathematics, which is to collect basic competence and reading data. The material can also be integrated with social studies class IV, which describe the basis for competence natural appearance in the district / city and province and its relation to social and cultural diversity.
2.  Compile teaching materials, which refers to the equality of educational content standards that have been analyzed and formulated by integrating several subjects that have the same theme / overlapping. Teaching materials can be shaped modules or other learning materials.
3.  Designing integrated learning, which made of writing lesson plan as operational guidelines that will guide the tutor in learning activities through an integrated learning approach the steps taken in creating an integrated lesson plan are:
a)      Establish a central theme of learning that will serve as a learning tool hook,
b)      Formulate competencies or learning objectives to be achieved learners,
c)      Identify the concepts that have relevance both properties contained in the intra-and inter-subject to be integrated,
d)      Formulate learning scenarios that will be done,
e)      Establish an evaluation tool that will be done.
4.  Application of the concept. Integrated learning is very attentive to the needs of learners in accordance with the holistic development by engaging actively in the learning process both physical and emotional. For the activities provided include actively seek, explore, and discover scientific concepts and principles of holistic, meaningful, and authentic so that learners can apply the acquisition of learning to solve real problems in everyday life.
4.    The Excess and the weakness of Integrated Learning
Integrated learning has advantages as follows:
1.         Experiences and learning activities learners will always be relevant to the child's developmental level.
2.         Selected activities can be tailored to the interests and needs of learners.
3.         The whole learning process is more meaningful to learners so that learning outcomes will be able to last longer.
4.         Integrated learning and social develop thinking skills of learners.
5.         Presents an integrated learning activities with a pragmatic problem frequently encountered in the life / real environment learners.
6.         If designed with integrated learning, can enhance cooperation among teachers related field of study, teachers with learners, learners with learners, learners / teachers with resource persons; making learning more fun, learning in real situations, and in the context of a more meaningful.

Integrated learning has the weakness, that is:
1. Aspects of teacher
Teachers should be open minded, have high creativity, methodological skills that are reliable, high confidence and bold package and develop the material. Academically, teachers are required to continue to explore the science of information relating to the matter to be taught and read a lot of books that mastery learning materials are not focused on a particular field of study.
2. Aspects of learners or students
Integrated learning or reading material requires considerable resources and varied, may also internet facilities. All of this will support, enrich, and facilitate the development of insight. If these means are not met, then the application of integrated learning will also be delayed.
3. Aspects of the curriculum      
The curriculum should be flexible, oriented towards achieving mastery students understanding (not the target delivery of content). Teachers need to be given the authority to develop the materials, methods, assessment of student learning success.
4. Aspects of assessment
Integrated learning requires a thorough assessment method (comprehensive), ie, determining the success of learners from several related fields of study combined.
5. Aspects of the learning environment
Integrated learning tend to prefer one field of study and 'tenggelam'nya other fields of study. In other words, when working on a theme, the teachers tended to emphasize or prioritize substances combined in accordance with the understanding, taste, and educational background of the teachers themselves.

Depdiknas. 2008. Pengembangan Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Dir. PSLB, Dirjen Manajemen Dikdasmen, Depdiknas.
Palu, Vionet. 2012. Hakikat Pembelajaran Terpadu. Http:// kat-pembelajaran-terpadu.html. (18-09-2013)
Indrawati. 2009. Model Pembelajaran Terpadu Di Sekolah Dasar. Jakarta: Pusat Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (PPPPTK IPA).
Tim Pengembang PGSD. 1996. Pembelajaran Terpadu D-II PGSD dan S-2 Pendidikan Dasar. Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi.
Yani, Ivo. 2009. Model Pembelajaran Terpadu. php?id=75&dir=6&idStatus=0.html. (27-09-2013)

Task of Genetic

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The Method to Differentiate the Gender of Chicken



Selection sex gender process of chick for first was found in Japan on 1933 by Prof. Masui and Hasimoto. The purpose of doing selection sex gender of chick is for determine the treatment to the next chick. This selection also important for everyone that have hobby is adorned chicken, it caused most of nice adorned chicken is male chicken. Differentiating the sex gender of chick one aged 1 day (DOC) is too difficult than to chicken itself. There are the steps of that chick sexing:

    Vent se-Xing is differentiating the sex gender of chick based on the hole of genitals or cloaca. It means we should look the sex gender from there. For the candidate of male have kern likes pimple or hole of needle, the color is yellow, white and even black whereas for female chicken is nothing. But for female chicken have ovarium that is egg cell like V shaped. Vent se-Xing is too difficult caused differentiate the kern that small. But for anyone that have experienced is too easy. In the fact, the kern of candidate male sometimes nothing and for female chicken usually there is kern. So that, why the big animal husbandry that have sexier (employee of selection sex gender) also can’t assure 100% the correct selection. With this method still leaves 5% for the indeterminacy of sex gender.
2. Feather Se-Xing

At 1969 found new method to differentiate the sex gender, that is feather se-Xing. Feather sexing is the way to differentiate the sex gender in DOC with looking the part of body chicken. In this case is wing on chick, it is primer wing and seconder wing. Female chicken grows fast than male chicken. Whereas for candidate male commonly is more fast in large. With this Feather se-Xing method, so the selection of chick will be cheap, easy and accurate of selection will be more correct.
3. The other alternative

The alternative that used is wait until grow the feather fully. Commonly the conspicuous color chicken will be male chicken. That’s caused the male chicken have variant color from male to interesting the couple. In protect adorned chicken also same. The ability to differentiate sex gender of chick can make everyone easy to determine sell price because adorned chick mostly seek is female chick.