Selasa, 05 November 2013

Task of Genetic

The Method to Differentiate the Gender of Chicken



Selection sex gender process of chick for first was found in Japan on 1933 by Prof. Masui and Hasimoto. The purpose of doing selection sex gender of chick is for determine the treatment to the next chick. This selection also important for everyone that have hobby is adorned chicken, it caused most of nice adorned chicken is male chicken. Differentiating the sex gender of chick one aged 1 day (DOC) is too difficult than to chicken itself. There are the steps of that chick sexing:

    Vent se-Xing is differentiating the sex gender of chick based on the hole of genitals or cloaca. It means we should look the sex gender from there. For the candidate of male have kern likes pimple or hole of needle, the color is yellow, white and even black whereas for female chicken is nothing. But for female chicken have ovarium that is egg cell like V shaped. Vent se-Xing is too difficult caused differentiate the kern that small. But for anyone that have experienced is too easy. In the fact, the kern of candidate male sometimes nothing and for female chicken usually there is kern. So that, why the big animal husbandry that have sexier (employee of selection sex gender) also can’t assure 100% the correct selection. With this method still leaves 5% for the indeterminacy of sex gender.
2. Feather Se-Xing

At 1969 found new method to differentiate the sex gender, that is feather se-Xing. Feather sexing is the way to differentiate the sex gender in DOC with looking the part of body chicken. In this case is wing on chick, it is primer wing and seconder wing. Female chicken grows fast than male chicken. Whereas for candidate male commonly is more fast in large. With this Feather se-Xing method, so the selection of chick will be cheap, easy and accurate of selection will be more correct.
3. The other alternative

The alternative that used is wait until grow the feather fully. Commonly the conspicuous color chicken will be male chicken. That’s caused the male chicken have variant color from male to interesting the couple. In protect adorned chicken also same. The ability to differentiate sex gender of chick can make everyone easy to determine sell price because adorned chick mostly seek is female chick.

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